Albania's Car Sales Fell by 15% in Jan-Aug 2022

Price crisis has affected also the use of vehicles, as in 2022, Albanians are buying fewer cars than last year. The number of vehicles registered for the first time for the 8th month of 2022 is 12% less than the same period last year. 

According to the data of the Road Transport Service Directorate for the months of January-August 2022, 41,220 vehicles are registered. 

While for the period January-August 2021, 46,902 vehicles were registered for the first time. Of the total vehicles registered for the 8th month of 2022, 34,019 of them are cars from 39,908 which was the number of cars for the same period of 2021. Compared to years, the number of cars registered for the first time has decreased by about 15%. 

For 2022, the average monthly number of vehicles registered for the first time turns out to be 5,152 vehicles from 5,862 last year. 

In January-August 2022, the region with the highest number of registered cars is Tirana, accounting for about 39% of the 8-month total, followed by the Durrës region with 16% of the total, and Fier with 10%. About 50% of the tools this year were imported from Italy and Germany. The most favorite brand of Albanians continues to be Wolsvagen and Mercedes Benz. 

Representatives of the company "Landeslease" that in this period sales for new cars have decreased, not only because of their price increase of 10 to 15% more compared to years, but also because of the reduced number of production their for 2022 affected by the lack of manufacturing parts. 

On the other hand, sales companies add that in this period, more used cars are being sold, even in which there is an increase in price, but their price is considered inflated, influenced by the lack of new car brands. 

For DPSHTRR, the drop in the number of new cars registered for the first time in 2022 is not affected by the global trend of price increases, but due to the pandemic year 2020, where the shutdown of the economy and the movement of restrictions led to many registrations being postponed to 2021. 

"If we compare with 2019, there are about 10,000 more vehicles. The March-June period was almost closed and October-December 2020 was the peak of the pandemic in Albania, and therefore the year 2021 receives more registrations than 2020". 

So from 2021, a new rule for technical control is being applied to cars that are registered for the first time. For these tools, it is determined that the technical control will be carried out 3 years after registration. 

Until December 2021, according to the data of the Transport Service Directorate, the total number of active or temporarily deregistered vehicles was 740,669 vehicles, of which 593,280 are cars. Compared to 2020, the number of active vehicles is 10% higher. 

(Source: Monitor)