Albanian Group Caught with 50 Kg Cannabis in Greece

Thessaloniki police have seized 50 kilograms of cannabis, which a group of Albanians were trying to smuggle from northern Macedonia to Greece.

Greek media report that there is information that the origin of cannabis is from Albania, but it has not been attempted to enter directly across the border due to increased police forces on both sides.

Consequently, according to Greek media, Albanian traffickers have found another way, which starts from Albania, Macedonia and then Greece.

In addition to the narcotics, the Greek police have arrested two people of Albanian origin, who were organizing the traffic.

The entire Albanian trafficking line was discovered by an infiltrating agent, who guaranteed the traffickers that he would take the narcotics from the border to an area further inland Greek territory.

The infiltrating agent, named "Pavlos", initially made contact with an Albanian named "Nikos", whom he initially gained his trust.

Three months after this contact, this Friday morning, he undertook to smuggle 50 kg of narcotics into Greek territory. They agreed on a payment of 3 thousand euros for this service.

But, after they agreed and the Albanian took the cannabis out of the car to put it in the police car, a large number of police agents arrived there to make his arrest. Another accomplice was caught next to him.