Democrats to Gather in Protest at SPAK, Wednesday

Democrats started to organise a protest, after their leader, Sali Berisha is called at the Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK) on Wednesday to communicate the accuse over 'Partizani' case. learned that Flamur Noka sent a sms to all the democrats to gather at SPAK Wednesday.

"Dear friends. On Wednesday at 12:00, the chairman of the Democratic Party Prof. Dr. Sali Berisha will go to the SKAP criminal organization. Let's all mobilize as much as possible for a powerful protest of solidarity with the right, with the truth, against narco-justice" wrote Noka.

Democrats are gearing up for a season of protests. The order of the chairman of the democratic party in the National Council on Friday was for the protests to start where the injustice happens, and apparently the injustice for Sali Berisha according to them will happen on Wednesday in SPAK, where he is expected to hear the charges that will be brought against him.