Head of Muslim Community Wishes Happy Ramadan to Believers

Muslim believers start the holy month of Ramadan on Tuesday. The head of the Muslim Community of Albania, Bujar Spahiu wished all believers a light fast, acceptance of their prayers, good health, happiness and prosperity for them and their families. 

"Every worship during this month has many times greater value. Therefore, people through many personal sacrifices, acts of charity, visits to each other, leaving aside disagreements, etc., aim to achieve God's pleasure and harmony with the people around whom they are surrounded. Inspired by these noble intentions, I wish from the bottom of my heart that this month be a month of forgiveness, understanding, love, unity and peace ", it is said in the wish of Bujar Spahiu. 

The fasting of the month of Ramadan consists in consciously depriving oneself of eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. The Muslim fasts this month because it is a command of God and this only to gain His pleasure. However, in this worship, as in any other worship, there is a series of wisdom and spiritual, psychological, sociological, health, etc., benefits. This worship, which elevates man to the level of angels, reminds him of the value of goodness and their true Giver; restraining the ego matures it; making him a co-sufferer with the needy, teaches him patience and prepares him to face the possible difficulties of life. 

The fasting of Ramadan has become obligatory in the month of Sha'ban, the second year of the Hijrah, through verse 183 of Surat al-Baqara, where it is said: “O you who believe! Fasting has become obligatory upon you as it was obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become righteous. 

Fasting in Islam and its application in practice, above all, is a worship done only for the sake of Allah, meaning submission and observance of His laws, giving up, in a part of the time given by God, by food, drink and intimate marital relations.