New Statute of Democratic Party Approved

The delegates of Sali Berisha's Assembly have approved this Saturday in principle the new statute of the Democratic Party. Meanwhile, the National Assembly of the Democratic Party has decided to reconvene again on March 22, 2022. 

"The Assembly decided to set up the Re-establishment Commission of the Democratic Party, composed of Agron Shehaj, Albana Vokshi, Belind Këlliçi, Bujar Nishani, Edith Harxhi, Edi Paloka, Edmond Spaho. Ervin Minarolli, Flamur Noka, Genc Memaj, Genc Pollo. Gent Strazimiri, Keltis Kruja, Ledina Mandija, Mimoza Hajadrmamataj, Oerd Bylykbashi and Sali Berisha ", said Këlliçi. 

The new status of the Democratic Party has been approved article by article. In this Assembly convened by former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, delegates voted on 67 articles of the new statute. (Read also)

During his speech at the Assembly organized at the ‘Air Albania’ stadium, Bellind Këlliçi said that transparency is the focus of this meeting and that no one is afraid of transparency. 

On the proposal of a group of members and the support of at least 15% of the delegates, the Assembly decided: 

- Approval in principle of the DP statute comprised of 67articles

-Azem Hajdari is declared Chair of Honor of the Democratic Party

-The PD seal and its symbol return to the original seal when the PD was founded

-The article on the primaries, the Referendum, is approved 

-Article for factions in PD is approved 

-Article Basha, the chairman is dismissed after the loss