North Kosovo, Serbs Set Up Tents to Block the Roads

The local Serbs in the north of the Republic of Kosovo have set up several tents, in which the ones who have blocked the roads are staying. 

Tents have been set up in Rudare in Zveçan, while we remember that during the day criminal groups instigated and controlled by Belgrade, have set up barricades and blocked the roads leading to Jarinje and Bërnjak. 

Also today, several explosions and clashes with weapons were recorded between Serbian gangs and the Kosovo Police. 

The Kosovo police announced that some Kosovo policemen were attacked with firearms near Ujman and that they responded in self-defence. 

These movements of the Serbs came after the arrest of the former Kosovo policeman in Jarinje, Dejan Pantic. 

Earlier, the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, warned that he would ask KFOR to send Serbian military troops to the north of Kosovo.