Ruling Party Aims to Remove Political Influence from Public Administration

On their third mandate, socialists pretend to remove political influence in the Public Administration. At the end of the first Headship of the Socialist Party after the victory of the third mandate in power, Premier Edi Rama said that employments and directorates are not the property of the SP and a new level of quality of administration will be reached. 

"For another new process of internal transformation and opening and based on some decisions, the work in the territory will be developed in parallel for the analysis of the results center by center, to verify the quality of the involvement of all SP members in the elections in relation to the results and to open the party for new contributions from the society, regardless of age, to create a new basis for progress further. 

What I would underline as very important from this meeting is that a red line which is firmly established in the Party Congress and will be deepened, is that employment and directorates are not the property of the SP, are the property of the Albanian people and are a function of the government and all executive structures of the Republic of Albania, based on the Constitution and law. 

Let everyone be clear, this is not propaganda, this is the dividing line that will guarantee us the transition to another level of quality and access of the administration in relation to the public. If in the civil service we have already guaranteed that the recruitment process passes through legal channels through competitions of the Department of Public Administration, in the rest of the administration we have a serious problem inherited in 30 years, but we must approach it with strength and determination", said Rama.