Pristina Travelers Caught with Guns in Kosovo-Serbia Border

Border authorities in Serbia said that a car with license plate RKS - Republic of Kosovo - discovered and prevented the smuggling of an arsenal of weapons, which they said was hidden in a passenger car. 

According to the Customs of Serbia, the car in which the weapons were hidden was checked by Serbian customs officers at the border crossing point of Merdara, which connects Kosovo with Serbia. 

According to the Serbian customs, two passengers from the capital of Kosovo, Pristina, were traveling with the Audi A8 car with Kosovo license plates. 

"Although both declared that they had nothing to declare except personal belongings, the customs officials decided to do a detailed check. 

Then a real arsenal of weapons was discovered under the seats and under the wheel covers: 45 firearms, 31 silencers for firearms and 367 cartridges", as quoted from the announcement of the Customs of Serbia. 

Meanwhile, the law enforcement authorities in Kosovo often report that they detect smuggling of weapons and other goods in the border areas with Serbia, mainly in the north of Kosovo, an area inhabited by a majority of Serbs.