Putin-NATO Tension, Russian Warship Sails in Mediterranean Sea

Provocations at sea between NATO and Russia continue. This time tensions have been raised by the Russian navy, which has reappeared in the Mediterranean Sea, more specifically in the maritime space between Italy and Corfu, not far from the Albanian sea border. 

The most powerful warship of the Moscow Navy, called "Varyag" is currently located several tens of miles away from Salento, Italy. 

Known as the "Moscow" twin, which was destroyed by Ukrainian forces in the Black Sea, the "Varyag" is sailing dangerously off the coast of Puglia. 

It is 'The Shipyard' that has raised the alarm, explaining that the Varyag is a Slavic-class ship and one of the most powerful and destructive units that Moscow has deployed in the Mediterranean, in an effort to increase tensions with NATO. 

"Varyag" is moving in the Ionian Sea accompanied by another support ship, called "Admiral Tributs", which protects it from hypothetical air or submarine attacks. Varyag's path is not yet clear, with some analysts thinking it could enter the Adriatic while always staying in the international maritime belt. 

To respond to Moscow, the giant aircraft carrier "Truman" has arrived in the Mediterranean this Monday.