Tirana, 20-Year Old Dies in Car Crash

A serious accident has been recorded in the area of Tujan Stairs in the suburbs of Tirana, where the deceased 20-year-old identified as Alked Koçi, was a passenger in the crashed vehicle.

According to the information, the victim was traveling in the direction of Tirana from the village of Zall Bastar, where he was a passenger in the vehicle driven by another young man.

Initially, the vehicle collided with a rock and then overturned taking the life of the 20-year-old.

For its part, the Tirana Police briefly clarified that they had arrested the driver of the vehicle.

"Traffic specialists made the arrest in flagrante delicto of the citizens O. S., 20 years old, because while driving his vehicle, he lost control over the direction of the vehicle going off the road, and as a result the passenger of the vehicle, citizen AK, 20 years old lost his life", it is said in the notification of the police.