Albanian Doctors to Be Trained to Face Monkey Pox

The head of the Infectious Diseases Department at the Institute of Public Health Silva Bino points out that in order to distinguish the monkey line from similar diseases, trainings with doctors have started. 

Persons affected by monkey pox have also been detected in neighboring countries. Albania is not currently infected by it, but are we endangered? 

"Of course the risk is there, it is low, but attention and vigilance need to be increased. Doctors can confuse it, but there are important elements to know. Starts with increased temperature of the lymph nodes marks on the skin. They start from the face, palms, feet and all over the body. It goes through several stages, " said Bino.

The disease shows the doctor affects any age, lasts about a month, generally passes easily, but in people with immune problems can cause loss of life. 

"It lasts up to 4 weeks and is contagious until the skin peels off. We must be careful not to touch the eyes as they can lead to blindness. Those people with impaired immunity can take serious forms. The clothes or utensils of an infected person can serve as a transmitter," she says further.

For monkey pox there is no approved medication to be used en masse while the smallpox vaccine provides protection. Vaccination for this disease ended in the 80s as it is no longer affected worldwide. Monkey pox has spread to 15 countries around the world, but doctors say that if infected are isolated the disease can be curtailed.