Várhelyi: EU to Intensify Cooperation with the Western Balkans

European Commissioner Oliver Várhelyi warned of a new migrant crisis from the Western Balkans if European Union promises of enlargement are not fulfilled, N1 reported. 

He told Budapest daily Magyar Nemzet that the citizens of the Western Balkan countries could create the next migrant crisis if enlargement fails and called the EU to intensify cooperation with the region. 

“We have to keep our promises to the Western Balkans. I think that is one of the most important lessons from the situation in Afghanistan,” he said, adding that the integration of the region has to be a European priority. 

According to the Commissioner, the goal is to support long-term stability and peace in the region. He said that the opening of chapters in Serbia’s accession talks is up to the EU member states and added that Albania and North Macedonia have met the criteria to open pre-accession talks.