24 Years from NATO's 1st Intervention in Kosovo War

Kosovo commemorates this Friday the 24th anniversary of the start of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) attacks on Serbian military and police targets, which intervened to stop the ongoing genocide. 

March 24 marks 24 years since the start of NATO airstrikes against military and police targets in the former Yugoslavia. 

After 78 days of attacks, the bombings were stopped on June 10, 1999, with the adoption of Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council.  

NATO's intervention in Kosovo had enabled the return to their homes of more than 800 thousand refugees, displaced persons inside and outside Kosovo. 

On June 12, 1999, the deployment of approximately 50,000 soldiers from 36 countries of the world began, of which 30,000 were from NATO countries. 

24 years after this intervention, KFOR peacekeeping troops are in smaller numbers. They are stationed in different parts of Kosovo with a peacekeeping mission.