27 Fines in 7 Months, AMA's President Publishes Violations Committed by Media

Only in the last seven months of this year, the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) imposed 27 fines on various audiovisual operators in Albania. 

The President of the AMA, Armela Krasniqi, informed Wednesday that this first part of the year has been associated with various types of legal violations, such as:

Broadcasts that incite violence or criminal offenses; 

Broadcasts that violate human dignity and fundamental rights; and

Broadcasting of content harmful to children & Illegal broadcasts on the Internet. 

"During these seven months we have also faced OSHMA that have not self-declared their financial statements in AMA, or that do not fulfill other legal obligations, such as the declaration of the ownership structure. For these reasons, the 7th month of 2024 has been closed with 27 fines in total. With the belief that such statistics will decrease in number, we remain persistent in the objectives and purpose of our work for a legal and professional media market", said Krasniqi.