Albania and Azerbaijan Have Officially Lifted Visa Requirements

Starting from today, Sunday 16 June, Albanians can travel without a visa to Azerbaijan. 

The agreement signed in March this year, enters in force this Sunday as both countries agreed to waive visa requirements for holders of standard international passports.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan and Deputy Minister for EU and Foreign Affairs of Albania have underscored their commitment to deepening economic ties and enhancing people-to-people contacts.

In an announcement made on Friday, March 1, at the X platform, the ambassador of Azerbaijan in Albania, Anar Huseynov, disclosed the dialogue between the Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, Besart Kadia, and the representative of Azerbaijan, emphasizing the intention to strengthen bilateral ties, especially in the field of economic cooperation, VisaGuide. World reports

H.E. Mr Fariz Rzayev, Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, and H.E. Besart Kadia, Deputy Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of Albania, talked about deepening bilateral relations between our countries with a focus on economic interaction and people-to-people contacts. The meeting was followed by signing a visa exemption agreement – another strong contribution to bilateral relations.

Diplomatic ties between Albania and Azerbaijan were officially established on September 22, 1993. Over the years, there has been a marked increase in political engagements between the two nations, particularly evident in recent times. A significant event to highlight is the official visit of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to Baku on April 14, 2022.