Albania Faced 49% More Fatalities than EU Rate from Road Accidents

Albania had 63.9 deaths per 1 million inhabitants from road accidents in 2020 - according to data published by INSTAT and Monitor's calculations - out of 43, which was the average for European Union countries, according to Eurostat.

The country ranks eighth among 37 countries in Europe for the number of deaths from road accidents in relation to the population. The data belong to the year 2020 and are the result of crossing Eurostat figures for the European Union, Instat and Transport Community Permanent Secretariat for the region. (see chart at bottom)

Fewer accidents in the region during 2020 were registered in Kosovo, with 43 deaths per million inhabitants, the same as the average rate of the European Union. The respect of road signs by drivers and pedestrians, the human factor, awareness campaigns and stricter legislation seem to have resulted in positive results for the protection of life for Kosovo Albanians.

In absolute value, the number of deaths from accidents during 2020 in Albania was 181. Compared to other years, these figures are greatly reduced, as a result of the restriction of circulation by Covid-19.

According to INSTAT data, 23% of which were women. During the same year, a total of 1,234 road accidents were counted. Of these, in 85% of the cases the drivers were at fault and in 15% of the cases the pedestrians were at fault.

In fact, countries in the region top the list for the highest number of deaths caused by road accidents. Romania ranks first, where according to statistical data for 2020 there were 85 deaths for every 1 million inhabitants. Followed by Montenegro, in second place with 77, Serbia in fourth place with 71 and Bulgaria with 67, referring to the report of the Transport Community Permanent Secretariat.

In neighboring countries such as Italy and Greece, the rate of deaths from accidents during 2020 is estimated to be 40 and 54 respectively, according to Eurostat.

Avni Ponari, CEO of Sigal Uniqa Group Austria in an analysis a few years ago listed nine reasons why there are so many accidents in Albania, among which we mention: Driving without proper practices, loss of reflexes or control of the vehicle, road infrastructure, overused vehicles on bad roads. lack of signage on entrance and exit roads, driving vehicles under the influence of alcohol, multi-functional use of car roads by passing trucks, cars, cows and sheep, bicycles without criteria, lack of proper side protectors, placement of tires used by drivers, the use of the same tires in both winter and summer and finally the lack of fear of the law.

Among the member countries of the European Union, the record for the highest number of deaths from road accidents was set by Latvia and Poland with respectively 73 and 66 deaths per 1 million inhabitants there, according to Eurostat.

The highest rates of fatal accidents are recorded in rural areas, in countries such as: Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece and the peripheral areas of France, Poland and Romania.

The opposite happened with urban regions, which reported a lower number of road deaths. The above reasons are closely related to the lower average vehicle speeds in cities. The safest European cities in 2020 were Stockholm (5 deaths/000,000 inhabitants), Vienna (6) and Hamburg (8).

High figures were also recorded in Lithuania with a rate of 63 and in Turkey with 59. Other countries in the region, such as Croatia and Slovenia, recorded a lower accident rate relative to their population.

In Croatia, the number of deaths from accidents per 1 million inhabitants was 58, while in Slovenia it is estimated about 20 less. In the entire European Union, during 2020, about 19.1 thousand accidents were registered, an average of 43 accidents resulting in death per 1 million inhabitants.

The lowest rate of deaths caused by accidents was recorded in Norway, where according to data published by Eurostat there were about 17 such deaths per 1 million inhabitants. Also, countries like Sweden (with 20), Malta (with 23), and Switzerland (with 26) are among the countries with the lowest rate of accidents.