Online purchase

Albania, Lowest Level of Online Sales in Region

According to the Balkan Barometer 2024 report, Albania has the lowest level of online sales in the region, with a significant percentage of businesses having less than 5% of their sales made through the Internet.

This phenomenon is an indication of the challenges the country faces in the field of e-commerce, including the awareness and adoption of digital technology in business.

According to the data, 81% of businesses in Albania report that less than 5% of their sales are made online, which is one of the highest percentages in the region. This is significantly higher than the regional average of 60%.

On the other hand, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina show more mixed results, with respectively 49% and 35% of businesses reporting online sales below 5%. These countries have a higher percentage of businesses that make over 20% or even more than 50% of their sales through the Internet, suggesting a higher acceptability of e-commerce in these countries.

Furthermore, Kosovo is among the best-performing countries in this category, with 14% of businesses reporting that more than half of their sales are made online. Montenegro also performs quite well with 12% of businesses reporting the same percentage.

Despite most of the Balkan countries experiencing an increase in technology, Albania, along with North Macedonia and Serbia, shows a significant slowness in the adoption of e-commerce. In Albania, only 3% of businesses make more than 50% of their sales through online channels, which is one of the lowest levels in the region.

These data reflect a converging trend that many Balkan countries, including Albania, still have a long way to go in terms of increasing acceptance of online commerce.