Albania's Average Salary Increased in Last 4 Months

INSTAT has published this Monday the data on the level of salaries in Albania, where a significant increase in the average salary in the country is observed during the second quarter of this year compared to the first quarter. According to INSTAT, the average salary in Albania is now 60,666 ALL, while at the beginning of 2021 it was about 56,000 ALL. 

According to INSTAT, the best salaries in Albania go to citizens who are employed in the banking and insurance sectors, while the information and communication sector, employees of real estate agencies and public administration are next. At the bottom of the list as the least paid are those who work in agriculture. 

There are two periods of strong salary growth during the last year, as can be seen in the INSTAT chart. The first moment is related to the last quarter of 2021, which also coincides with the period of publishing the salaries of more than 660 thousand Albanians, thus causing a pressure from employees towards managers for growth, while the second moment is the first quarter of 2022, a period during which the pressure of the employees was added to the strong increase in prices due to the war in Ukraine.