How Greece claims to expand territorial waters in the Ionian Sea

Diplomat Raises Question on Greece's Right to Expand Territorial Waters

Renowned diplomat Shaban Murati, who dedicated a study book to the agreement reached with Greece in 2009, made a statement following the stance of the "Rama" government about the new maritime agreement.

In a post on social networks, Shaban Murati raises some issues that require official answers from the "Rama" government for the extension of 12 miles of border with Greece. Murati asks why Greece applies the principle of 12 miles today and not since 1982 when international law entered into force.

On the other hand, Murati demands explanations why the "Rama" government has accepted the request of Greece for 12 miles, when there is no positive attitude from the US and the EU for this step of Athens in the Mediterranean.

“I have a simple question about expansion of the Greek maritime border.

Neither the government of Italy, the state that shares the Ionian Sea with Greece, nor the government of Egypt, and no government of another Mediterranean state, not even EU members, came out and spoke in support of the new plan of the Greek prime minister announced on August 26 for the expansion of Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea.

Only Tirana in the most surprisingly servile way made an official statement in support of the Greek plan to expand Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea. If the expansion of the Greek territorial sea in the Ionian Sea has nothing to do with Albania and if it is merely an internal Greek matter, no diplomatic and state logic accepts that official Tirana should applaud the new Greek plan.

Neither the Albanian government, nor the Albanian diplomacy and all the pro-Greek political group in Tirana, which came out in support of Athens' plan to expand the Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea up to 12 miles, do not and can not answer the simple question:

"Why hasn't Greece expanded Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea so far, at a time when the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, on which the Greek prime minister says the new Greek plan is based, has been adopted since 1982?" .

The expansion of Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea has nothing to do either with the agreement of maritime economic zones signed by Greece with Italy or with the agreement of maritime economic zones signed by Greece with Egypt. Italy and Egypt are hundreds of miles off the Greek coast.

The expansion of Greek territorial waters in the Ionian Sea is related only to Albania," Murati said.