DP Denounces Govt's Abandonment of Fushe-Milot Residents

Following the disaster caused by the November earthquake, residents of Fushë Milot have to face also the abandonment of the state, Democratic Party (DP) denounces. 

The chairman of the Youth Forum of the Democratic Party, Belind Këlliçi, was in the ruined house of Viktor Gjoni, who, although in a very difficult economic situation, says that no one has given him a solution and he does not know anything about what will be done with his ruined house. 

Moreover, he says that the moisture that the tent holds is endangering the life of his sick chick, who risks becoming asthmatic. 

"I am Viktor Gjoni. I am 46 years old, I live in this house damaged by the earthquake. The engineers have come and classified it as DS3, and since that day until today no one has cared for me. I have no conditions. I have nowhere to wash, no place to cook. 

It is raining, in the old house I can not stay because it is raining inside. While at the tent I can't stay during the day because the temperatures are very high. They have classified my house in the category in which i will receive only ALL 500.000, but this isn't enough building the roof. 

Documents are there, so they must take action because winter is coming. I have a sick child. My 15 year old daughter is ready to switch to asthmatic," Gjoni stated in the video published by Këlliçi.