BALFIN Group Report: 'Mane Foundation' Supports 37.000 People Through 50 Social Projects

50 social projects in support of 37 thousand people throughout the year 2023. These are the recently published numbers in BALFIN Group’s annual report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). With over 30 years of legacy, BALFIN Group, leader in the field of investments, expanding its presence across 10 countries and 2 continents, Europe and the USA, transparently unveils the results of their social projects, supported by the “Mane Foundation” established by the President of BALFIN Group, Samir Mane. In an interview, Erion Ndrecka, Manager of CSR and Director of the “Mane Foundation”, highlights the successful completion of around 300 projects in cooperation with 200 organizations and universities, benefiting 400,000 individuals, during the last five years. Throughout 2023 alone, BALFIN Group and its affiliated companies executed 50 social projects across their locations. In his interview, Erion Ndrecka, shares public details about these projects, encompassing education, youth, environmental protection, health and welfare of social groups in need, and efforts aimed at fostering a deeper connection to historical and cultural values within the community. 

Although, the “Mane Foundation” was established a few months ago, the nature of its activity appears to be grounded on solid foundations. What are the focus areas of the Mane Foundation's activities? 

BALFIN Group’s companies mark a 30-year history of both business operation and social engagement, predating the establishment of the “Mane Foundation”. Various companies within BALFIN Group have persistently supported community-oriented projects, while upholding responsible practices in their day-to-day operations. This was also among the goals of BALFIN Group’s President, Samir Mane, who founded the “Mane Foundation” to better address current societal issues. 
With the establishment of the Foundation, the focus on community contributions is directed towards specific and well-defined areas, backed by a dedicated organizational structure. The “Mane Foundation” is dedicated to initiatives related to education and youth, environmental protection, health and welfare of social groups in need, and efforts aimed at fostering a deeper connection to historical and cultural values within the community. 
We are pleased to share that during the year 2023 alone, around 37 individuals received support through social projects in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia and all locations where Balfin Group operates. 
Social engagement stands as the cornerstone of the philosophy and vision of BALFIN Group. Over the decades, through its social responsibility projects, BALFIN Group has positively impacted thousands of individuals across all the countries where its companies operate. About 300 projects have been implemented, in the past five years, in cooperation with 200 organizations and universities, benefiting 400,000 individuals. 

How is your cooperation with BALFIN Group’s companies? 
The principles guiding the “Mane Foundation” are aligned with the nature of the companies within BALFIN Group, ensuring optimal utilization of their potential. In 2023, 50 social projects were carried out across all locations in the region where Balfin Group operates. For instance, if one of the companies, such as JUMBO, offers products mainly for children and young adults, it also extends its support to institutions that provide care for children from economically disadvantaged families or those in need for healthcare services. In the case of retail trade companies, such as NEPTUN, SPAR or Fashion Group, we have orchestrated campaigns engaging clients, who have graciously donated food products and clothing to support families in need. This was implemented in all the operating locations of BALFIN Group. It is worth mentioning NEPTUN Kosova for its support regarding computer labs at the University of Pristina, and JUMBO Kosova for providing assistance to two kindergartens in Fushë Kosova and Mitrovica. BALFIN Group’s shopping centers, QTU and TEG, offer their premises to various organizations for student initiatives and charity campaigns. Our banking sector, represented by Tirana Bank, operates in areas where international banks are also actively involved, such as educating youth on financial mechanisms. Green Coast has also provided support for projects for students of the Department of Tourism in the University of Tirana, as well as projects for children in Himara. 

Can you mention a particular initiative that the “Mane Foundation” supports? 
“B4Students” exemplifies our direct impact on the community as well as the seamless coordination between the Foundation and BALFIN Group’s companies. Thousands of students are approached every year through this program of the “Mane Foundation” for internships and employment opportunities. A part of those with an entrepreneurial mindset apply to implement their business ideas. Exchange of professional experience between experts of BALFIN Group and students from different faculties is also part of our student-oriented program. Last year, around 4000 students joined this program. 
We have established an annual tradition of cooperation with the university community, which shares mutual interest. The “B4Students” program fosters the sustainable personal and professional development of students. 

Since you mentioned annual cooperation, how do you manage to maintain long-lasting projects? 
Determining the main goals of the Foundation while also considering account international practices, helps us maintain a clear focus. Carrying out initiatives with the right partners is another factor assisting us in identifying and promoting initiatives with a long-lasting impact. We carried out 10 annual projects during 2023 alone. 
We have partnered with organizations having an international reputation, operating in the region. Throughout 2023 we cooperated with 40 partner organizations. Here we can mention the long-term cooperation with “SOS Villages” in some locations as Albania, North Macedonia and Montenegro, providing necessary products for children. We have also established cooperation with “World Vision” for years, to assist us in providing medical support, clothing and food for a significant number of families. Moreover, with the support of “Junior Achievement”, we have implemented various interesting projects aimed at encouraging the involvement of young people in entrepreneurship. 
In addition, we have entered into partnerships with several universities, focusing on exchanging knowledge and assisting students with job profiles available in the operating fields of BALFIN Group’s companies.