DP Denounces Lack of Laç Hospital’s Reconstruction

One year has passed since the destructive November 26 earthquake and still there is no sign of the hospital, reconstruction of which must have been launched since June, decried Thursday the Former MP of Democratic Party (DP) Dhurata Cupi.

During her visit in Laç near the destroyed hospital, Cupi accused Prime Minister Edi Rama of having deceived the people of Lac, because the hospital must have started working by now.

50.000 inhabitants of Kurbin and the surrounding area go to Lezha, because the concerns of the people are not on the agenda of the "Thieves of Misfortune", as far as the Democrat is concerned.

“One year after the earthquake, there is no sign of the hospital, whose reconstruction should have been completed in June.

The earthquake of a year ago left its mark on the city of Laç. Since then, nothing good has happened for the citizens. They continue to roam in rent houses, their apartments are not built and the "Thieves of Misfortune" continue to deceive. In all likelihood, the buildings have no chance of being built for another 2 years.

What puts the seal on the government's failure with the reconstruction process is the hospital of Laç. According to the promise of Edi Rama a year ago, the hospital should have been at work today. But in truth, the reality from the departing prime minister's deceptive promises is very different. Instead of the hospital, there is a pile of remains here”, informed the Former MP of DP.