Euronews Albania Recognized for Its Commitment to 'Fairness, Accuracy and Impartiality'

World-renowned media analysis consultancy firm Osservatorio di Pavia has recently issued an independent report recognising Euronews Albania for its commitment "to fairness, accuracy and impartiality, with no evidence suggesting biased reporting."

Euronews Albania is a Euronews branded affiliate delivering local, national, regional and international news to Albanian-speaking audiences. The report was commissioned by the Euronews group one year after its Tirana-based branded affiliate first started broadcasting.

Through an analysis of different news stories produced by Euronews Albania over the last few months, the Osservatorio di Pavia further concluded that:

-     "The independence of the journalists never appeared undermined in the news stories."

-     "Independence and editorial freedom from external interests informed the news coverage".

-    "Most news stories gave accounts of diverse viewpoints, respectfully and truthfully presented."

-    "National viewpoints did not prevail over the effort to provide a pan-European and cross-border perspective."

-    "The journalists based the stories on credible and reputable sources and reported accurately about the opinions expressed by interlocutors."

-    "In the coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic, opinions and conjectures were clearly distinguished from facts."

François Chignac, Editorial Manager Branded Affiliates at the Euronews group said: "We were very satisfied to read the Osservatorio di Pavia's conclusions on Euronews Albania's news coverage. Euronews Albania was launched with the specific aim to provide a strong independent and impartial media with a European perspective, just as Euronews has always done. We are proud to see that one year after it started broadcasting, it is fulfilling this promise and has developed high quality programmes bringing a distinct offer to the region's media landscape."

Ilva Tare, Head of News at Euronews Albania said: "Our team is flattered and proud to reach such a high score on quality reporting and professional standards. Euronews Albania journalists strive to make a difference in the Albanian and regional media market, by offering a different view of the daily news that includes all sides of the story and most importantly by remaining impartial and unbiased in a heavily politicised media environment."

Euronews Albaniawas the first of Euronews' branded affiliates to start broadcasting in November 2019, employing 128 people. It has gone from strength to strength since.

Today, Euronews Albania produces seven live one-hour long news shows. Its flagship 90 minute show 'Ilva Now' presented by Ilva Tare is on air four times a week. Other shows offer viewers political debates, investigative reports, and stories on themes such as the economy, tourism, or regional affairs.