Ex-Head of Korca's Border Police Appears before Court on Drugs Charges

Ex-Head of the Border Sector in the Local Directorate for Border and Migration Korça, Stiljan Pasho, accused of drug trafficking, appeared before the Korça court this Sunday. 

Pasho was fired from the State Police after his arrest on charges of drug trafficking. 

Pasho was arrested after, using his duty, he helped Lorenc Lika to pass 26 kg of drugs at the border point of Kapshtica, without undergoing border control in his vehicle. 

The investigation showed that the chief commissioner accompanied Lika to cross the "Passat" type vehicle from Kapshtica to the Greek border. 

In some cases, this police officer has moved several times with the vehicle of the citizen arrested by the Greek police and another citizen, a fact proven by the Tims system and security cameras. 

From the statements of the employees of P.K.K Kapshtica, it appears that they have admitted that they were under pressure from the chief commissioner not to check this vehicle.