Fier Prosecution Investigates Six over Double Murder in Roskovec

The Prosecutor's Office of Fier registered criminal proceedings no. 1375/2024 regarding the incident that took place in Roskovec, Fier, on 10.09.2024, where two citizens Lavdimir and Gramos Kurtaj were killed by Altin Kukaj.

Prosecution informed that investigations are being carried out for criminal offenses "Murder in other qualifying circumstances", "Unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition", "Irregular driving", "Supporting the perpetrator of the crime", "Manufacturing and possession without permit of hunting and sporting weapons", and "Decriminalization of crime", provided by article 79, letter "dh" and articles 278, 280, 291, 300 and 302 of the Penal Code.

"In relation to this event, after investigative actions carried out in cooperation with the judicial police, three citizens AK, EK, EK were arrested in the act after the evidence administered up to this stage of the investigation created reasonable suspicion that they have committed the criminal offense "Murder in other qualifying circumstances" carried out in cooperation, provided by article 79, letters "dh" and 25 of the Penal Code. Also, the flagrante delicto arrest of the TZ citizen was carried out, as a suspect for committing the criminal offense "Supporting the perpetrator of the crime" provided for by article 302/2 of the Penal Code. 

On 12.09.2024, for the citizens of AK, EK, EK and TZ, a request was submitted to the Court of First Instance of the General Jurisdiction of Fier for the legal validation of the arrest in flagrante delicto and the determination of the security measure "Arrest in prison" provided by Article 238 of the Penal Code.

After the evaluation of the evidence administered up to this stage of the investigations, with the order for the registration of the names of the persons to whom the criminal offense is attributed, dated 12.09.2024, the names of the persons under investigation were recorded in the aforementioned criminal proceedings as follows:

1. Altin Kukaj, suspected of committing the criminal offense "Murder in other qualifying circumstances", carried out in cooperation, "Unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition", provided for in article 79/dh and 25 and 278 of K. Penal; 

2. Evis Kukaj, suspected of committing the criminal offense "Murder in other qualifying circumstances", committed in cooperation, "Unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition", and "Irregular driving of vehicles". provided for in article 79/dh and 25, 278 and article 291 of the Penal Code; 

3. Emarjus Kukaj, suspected of committing the criminal offense "Murder in other qualifying circumstances", committed in collaboration with "Unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition" provided for in article 79/dh and 25 and 278 of the Criminal Code .Penal;

4. Tomor Zykaj, suspected of committing the criminal offense "Supporting the author of the crime" provided by article 302/2 of the Penal Code;

5. Y.K., suspected of committing the criminal offense "Unauthorized possession and production of weapons, explosive weapons and ammunition" and "Unauthorized production and possession of hunting and sporting weapons", provided for by article 278/4 and 280 of the Criminal Code .Penal;

6. The minor in conflict with the EH law, suspected of committing the criminal offense of "Discrediting the crime", provided for by Article 300 of the Penal Code" says statement.