Foreigners in Hotels up by 53% in June

Accommodation structures in the country have confirmed an increase in the number of foreign and resident visitors during June.

The official data published by the institute of Statistics INSTAT also show a general increase in overnight stays, bringing to attention that until the 6th month of the year, the tourism sector was booming.

"In June 2024, the indicators of the utilization of the capacities of the accommodation structures are presented as follows: The total number of visitors has increased by 40.1%, compared to June 2023. The following two indicators follow the same trend: the number of resident visitors increased by 18.4%; the number of non-resident visitors increased by 49.9%. The total number of overnight stays has increased by 27.1%, compared to June 2023. The following two indicators follow the same trend: the number of overnight stays by residents has increased by 5.9%; the number of overnight stays by non-residents has increased by 35.5%," states the publication of INSTAT.

INSTAT estimates that during June 2024, there was an increase in the number of visitors in total by 40.1%, compared to June 2023.

"The number of non-resident visitors who have been accommodated in the Central Region has increased by 43.7%. In Coastal Areas, this indicator has increased by 51.4%, compared to the same period of the previous year. The number of non-resident visitors in "Hotels and similar accommodations" has increased by 53.1%," the publication states.

According to the number of stays in hotels, the citizens from Kosova are at the top with 11.9 percent, followed by Italians at 8.7 percent, Poles at 7.6 percent, Germans at 5.9 percent, and the United Kingdom at 3.8 percent.

Kosova has traditionally held the main weight in terms of tourism in the country, while Italians are a group that has experienced strong growth from year to year in the last three years. The Poles, on the other hand, who are mainly organized in the Golem area, have also increased their arrival in individual form, increasing the overall weight of foreigners visiting our country.

INSTAT reports that during June 2024, the total number of overnight stays has increased by 27.1%, compared to June 2023. The number of overnight stays of non-resident visitors who have been accommodated in the Center Region has increased by 20.8%. In the Coastal Areas, this indicator has increased by 38.5%, compared to the same period of the previous year. The number of overnight stays of non-resident visitors who were accommodated in "Hotels and similar accommodations" has increased by 36.9%.

In June 2024, the highest number of overnight stays was realized: according to regions in the "Southern Region" (39.5%); according to areas close to the coast in "Coastal Areas" (74.7%); according to the type of accommodation structures in "Hotels and similar accommodation" (92.8%).

The net utilization rates, of rooms and beds, are two indicators that measure the percentage of utilization of accommodation capacities, rooms, and beds available for visitors. During this month, the occupancy rate of "Hotels and similar accommodations" rooms is 35.9%, compared to 28.5% in June 2023. The occupancy rate of "Hotels and similar accommodations" beds is 38.6%, against 30.5% that was in June 2023.