Former Health Minister to Remain in Jail

The Court of Appeal left in jail the former minister of Health, Ilir Beqaj and the others accused for abusing with the EU funds.

Beqaj required to hange its security measure but failed in court, as he is accused for corruption with the funds of SASPAC.

Ilir Beqaj asked to SPAK some questions, but the court did not accepted his requests, reminding him of his position as a person under investigation, and on the other hand, the stage where the case is not under trial. The other suspected, Ermal Kurtulaj, requested the removal of the arrest not only because according to him there is no evidence for the accuses, but also because there are family reasons for which he must be present at home.

Automatically, the other measure against Beqaj, which is the obligation to submit the sterilization file, has become null, since the former minister is unable to appear before an officer on Fridays as long as his address is now known, it is the detention cell.