Italy-Wanted 62-year-old Handcuffed in Durres

Durrës Police arrested this Friday Mustafa Shullani, 62 years old, whom the Court of Appeal of Bologna, Italy, has sentenced to 17 years and 1 month in prison, for the criminal offenses "Trafficking in narcotics" and "Production and the sale of narcotics", provided by the Italian criminal law. 

In order to serve the period of 11 years and 4 months of imprisonment, remaining from the total sentence, the Court of Appeal of Bologna had issued an international arrest warrant for the 62-year-old. 

Mustafa Shullani was known by other identities: Hasan Shullani, Ferdinand Behari and Faje Shullani, 62 years old, resident in neighborhood no. 7, Durres. 

Following the arrest, the materials were passed to the Prosecutor's Office at the Durrës Judicial District Court, for further action. In cooperation with ZKK Interpol Tirana, the work continues for the extradition of this citizen to Italy. 

"In continuation of successive operations, for the capture of nationally and internationally wanted persons, as well as supported by informational intelligence on the location of a citizen declared internationally wanted, the services of the Special Operational Force of DVP Durrës, in cooperation with Interpol Tirana , finalized the coded police operation "Coordinates", as a result of which the arrest and provisional arrest was made, with the aim of extradition to Italy, of the citizen: 

- Mustafa Shullani (with other identities: Hasan Shullani, Ferdinand Behari and Faje Shullani), 62 years old, resident in neighborhood no. 7, Durres. 

The Court of Appeal of Bologna, Italy, has sentenced the 62-year-old man to 17 years and 1 month of imprisonment for the criminal offenses of "Trafficking in narcotics" and "Production and sale of narcotics", provided by the Italian criminal law. In order to serve the period of 11 years and 4 months of imprisonment, remaining from the total sentence, this appeals court has issued an international arrest warrant for this citizen", announced the police.