Kosovo PM Dreams of Being Enver Hoxha; Vucic

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, has made a strong statement about the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, stating that he wants to become like former Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha. 

According to Serbian media, Vucic made these statements at a press conference. The head of state of Serbia was asked about the statements of Albin Kurti that his wish is to implement the program of the League of Prizren. 

"All plans and programs of Pristina are based on the League of Prizren. Xhafer Deva and Enver Hoxha are their ideologues. Kurti dreams of being Enver Hoxha, that's why he can't stand (Edi) Rama. maybe he wants to be a mixture of Enver Hoxha and, if possible a little Zelensky. 

He adds that this is precisely their ideology, giving as an example Xhafer Deva, whose house Prishtina is renovating in the southern part of Mitrovica. 

"Xhafer Deva, a man from Mitrovica, Kosovo, who first joined the Nazi occupation forces and who was later under German command while Germany held Albania, then became their Minister of the Interior. Kurti is currently renovating Deva's house in the southern part of Mitrovica," Vucic said. 

He says that it is a matter of attitude towards a "criminal convicted of Nazi crimes". 

"You erect a monument to a Nazi criminal. A villain who persecuted not only Serbs, but also Jews and everyone else. Great Xhafer Deva," he said ironically. 

He emphasized that Serbia is not interested in these statements, but only that the Serbian people are left alone. "He is free to dream. Just don't mistreat the Serb people," he adds.