Meta, a Leader Who Cannot Be Defeated by an Autocratic Regime

Like any regime, the Socialist Party “Renaissance” regime has a beginning and an rise, but it also has an end.  The more it seeks power and crawls to maintain it at all costs, the more the unlimited power of its beginning to end.

Today, Albania has become an eastern autocracy without respect for the rule of law, with lack of balance of power, with militancy and fear in the public administration, and a total capture of the state.
What is left of a democratic state is only the exterior facade well painted, well paid with lobbyists and clientelism towards the western world powers with the motto "I meet your demands, you leave me alone in my territory".

The desecration of the electoral process with a frightening electoral "mechanism" of patronage, state pressure on the administration, vote buying, invalidity of votes, etc., clearly shows that the party-state has installed its autocratic regime by all tools and means.

Having alienated and lined up all the institutions, serving us this reality as the popular will, it is trying to extinguish even those independent voices of the free press and the institution of the President of the Republic.

Throughout this period of regime installation, President Meta was the only institution that maintained balance in an unbalance state and defended the Constitution against the arrogance of a state power governed by executive decrees and personal authority.

The regime's second request to impeach the President, in an unconstitutional and illegal manner, is done for several reasons.

Firstly, to divert attention from the compromised electoral process.

Secondly, to paralyze the political action of the President of the Republic through pressure.

Thirdly, to show strength and control and to paralyze and divide the opposition with the diversion that the Presidency can be given back to an opposition figure, but accepted by the regime.
The accusations against the President lie in several arguments.

Firstly, in preserving the image of the President as a figure of national unity and not a party with the opposition.  In fact in a captive, incriminating state, the President cannot side with the regime, but will support progressive forces to restore the rule of law and democracy.

In the Constitution, Albania is a democracy and the constitutional duty is in its protection.  He defended the Constitution when the government sought to seize the independent judiciary, overturned the government's anti-clientelist laws dozens of times, did not accept to pass laws favoring the seizure of institutions and corrupt practices, defended the country's cultural heritage and condemned the arbitrary demolition of the National Theater, he was against the opposition leaving Parliament, but took measures to maintain the balance of power by postponing local government elections to reach a consensus among political parties and not to install a party-state in Albania.

He tried to create balance and consensus in a state that had slipped from the path of its democratic functioning.

Secondly, the hate speech and the President's so called 'extreme' statements during the election process.  Would it be considered hate speech the call to defend the free vote and the need to recognize the will of the people?  Were Fan Noli's powerful verses calling against the regime "Hit and defeat them, peasants and workers, from Shkodra to Vlora", verses of hatred?

Are considered hate speech and incitement to war the calls of the founding fathers of the American nation that the republic should be protected from the 'tyranny of the majority' and Thomas Jefferson saying that "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"?

It is the duty of every patriot to protect the free vote and the political system that the democratic revolution of the 1990s expressed the unanimous desire of Albanians for a free and pro-Western democratic society.  In the absence of state institutions and politicized police, the citizen has the right to defend his vote.

Thirdly, the use of a sensitizing argument for the breakdown of relations with Albania's strategic allies such as the United States of America.  In fact, this is a vulgar argument for all those who do not accept the dignity of the Albanian state.

Meta has been a pro-Western and pro-American figure from the beginning, being their partner during the conflict in Kosovo, in the Macedonian crisis in 2001, in all initiatives for peace, stability and the fight against terrorism up to the support of the resolution of The American Congress for the recognition of Jerusalem, as an act of support for the USA when the Tirana regime joined the Islamic countries and Turkey.

How can be an anti-Western and anti-American a leader who upholds the principles of the international order for non-alteration of borders while others participate in destabilizing projects for peace and stability;  how can Mr. Meta be anti-American when he joins President Biden's call for the restoration of democracy in the world when others have the model of autoritarism, accepted publicly by them, and autocratic models funded by the oligarchs?!  Only politics of interest may not make the right distinction.

It is necessary for a corrupt regime to play this card, when itself cooperates with elements penalized by the American state to gain power, when it openly challenges the American ambassador and objects the US Secretary of State for not getting permission from him whom to have as a friend.

The manipulation of facts, the portrayal of Meta as the internal enemy of Albania is the necessity that every regime chooses to hide its corruption and insists on setting the agendas of international chancelleries. The agenda is clear: Portray your opponents to save yourself and the regime you defend.  The fluctuation in Mr. Rama's attitudes towards Mr. Meta, that Meta is a great leader when he brings you to power and cooperates with you and unnecessary when he ruins your projects, is not understood by foreigners, within the framework of the Balkan intrigue and the hidden agenda.

The attempt of the majority to impeach President Meta puts the latter in a win-win position: either in the position of President to fight against the capture of the state or outside the Presidency and an opposition leader against a regime that is increasingly becoming anti-popular and dangerous.

Meta with the vision of a leader can provoke a nationwide movement by uniting Albanian elements against a regime that has removed the national agenda and given priority to cooperation with the projects of Vucic and other Anatolian regimes.

Let’s wait and see how events unfold, but something is already known.  He is a winner in both scenarios.  He cannot be defeated by a folkloric and autocratic regime.