Nearly 50% of Albanians Want to Live and Work Abroad

Both Albanian and Kosovo citizens see their future abroad, according to the latest results of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Balkan Barometer survey for 2023.

49% of respondents from Albania would consider living and working abroad. This percentage has increased significantly compared to the previous year, when the indicator was 42%.

Kosovo citizens are the ones who want more than all to live and work abroad, with 57% of the respondents giving this answer.

But, unlike Albania, in Kosovo there is a slight improvement of 2 percentage points (from 59% in 2022).

The citizens who think to move less are those of North Macedonia, 35%, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 38%, Serbia 41%, Montenegro 45%.

The average of the Western Balkans is 44%.

For the ninth time in a row, the Regional Cooperation Council publishes the results of the Balkan Barometer - the annual survey conducted with six thousand citizens from all over the Western Balkans, giving an overview of their opinions about regional cooperation, EU integration, trust in public institutions and media, their biggest concerns, employment, climate change, security, digital life, transport, rule of law, travel, etc.

According to the press release, 'The Balkan Barometer reveals the 3 main trends of public opinion in the Western Balkans. First, the good news, 76% of people believe that regional cooperation is good for the development of their economies. Moreover, 69% agree that what unites the citizens of the Western Balkans is more important than what divides them.

The second news, support for EU integration: it turns out 59% or 3% less than in 2021.

And the third is the concern over depopulation, as 44% are thinking of living abroad, 5% more than in 2022. It is also extremely worrying that 71% of young people are thinking of leaving their country", said the Secretary General of RCC, Majlinda Bregu.

Balkan Barometer 2023, Public Opinion edition, main results:

? 1 in 5 citizens associate the Balkans with hope or cooperation.

? For 15% of citizens, the Balkans means trust, but for 1 in 10, it means fear.

? 51% are dissatisfied with the economic situation

? 27% say that corruption is the biggest problem

? 69% say that the law does not apply to everyone equally – 7% more than in 2022

? 45% feel threatened by the illegal possession and misuse of weapons

? 71% say that the war in Ukraine significantly affected their purchasing power

? 75% do not trust political parties

? 65% expressed an increased concern about the spread of fake news.

(Source: Monitor)