Part of Criminal Organizations of Call Center, Man Arrested in Dubai

Erlind Çekaj, an Albanian internationally wanted over call centers fraud, was arrested this Wednesday in Dubai. 

He was part of an organized crime organization that used to work mainly in Georgia, Ukraine, North Macedonia, Albania, etc.

This criminal network, in cooperation with other fraudulent platforms such as Absolut Global Markets, AurumPro, Finaxis, etc., has defrauded hundreds of people from EU countries, causing them millions of euros. Investigations have started in 2021 from several countries such as Spain, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Ukraine, Georgia and Albania under the coordination of Eurojust.

Erlind Cekaj ??is part of Amant Josif's group who are on trial after they managed to extort an amount of 6.1 million euros from citizens through fraud with the Call Center.