President Meta Visits Orphanage in Elbasan

President of the Republic, Ilir Meta paid a visit to the orphanage "Missionaries of Charity Sisters of Mother Teresa", in Elbasan.

Through a message on social media, Meta emphasized that this center has served with love and devotion to the abandoned children after birth.

"Love cannot be left alone. No sense. Love must be put into action, and that action is service. - St. Mother Teresa.

On the occasion of the National Day of Orphans, today I visited the orphanage "Missionaries of Charity Sisters of Mother Teresa" in Elbasan, this important social center, that for 30 years, has brought to life the messages of our Saint and all humanity, serving love and devotion to children abandoned after birth, those with health problems and disabilities.

Thanking the Sisters for their valuable and unstinting help, given for decades to the children without parental care of Elbasan and not only, I am happy we could share together the appreciation that humanism and human solidarity are at the core of our values ​​as Albanians and that not coincidentally we are the nation of St. Mother Teresa,” Meta writes.