The funds for the road infrastructure reached Lek 33 billion

Budget Changes, Euro 65 mln More for Roads

The 2024 budget was changed for the second time with a normative act that increases revenues by about Lek 27.2 billion and the same amount of expenses. The budget deficit remained unchanged. 
According to data made public by the Finance Ministry, most of the additional amount of about Lek 6.6 billion goes as an addition to the budget of the Ministry of Infrastructure, which after the changes reached Lek 74.3 billion, from Lek 67.7 billion. 
The total increase went to the road transport program, which increased by Lek 6.6 billion or Euro 65 million. The funds for this program with the new changes reach Lek 33 billion from the Lek 26 billion that were in the current budget. 
According to the normative act, the government units can start the fund procurement procedure in September of the current year, if the funds have been allocated/registered in the treasury system for the year 2025 and beyond, provided that this contract becomes effective only after the approval of the relevant budget law." 
An addition of Lek 600 million in the item "Capital expenditure" in the "Management of drainage and irrigation infrastructure" program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is granted by DCM for the financing of facilities, equipment, and machinery of the irrigation infrastructure and drainage, as well as flood protection works for municipalities. 
A fund of Lek 500 million is added to "Rural development, supporting agricultural production, livestock, agro-industry, and marketing" for the support scheme with grants for investments in farms, in the full value of Lek 1,500 million, which is also financed in the next budget years." 
An additional amount of Lek 150 million goes to the "Sports Development" program of the ministry responsible for sports. 
The fund for the indexation of pensions is estimated at Lek 4,137 million and the bonus for pensioners is Lek 3,650 million. This fund is divided between the schemes, according to the determinations in the decision of the Council of Ministers. 
The use of this fund is made according to the provisions in article 61, of law no. 7703, dated 11.5.1993, "On social security in the Republic of Albania", as amended. 
The administrative expenses, as part of the total expenses for the social security scheme, are no more than Lek 3,700 million and are divided according to the schemes, in proportion to the direct expenses. 
From the unused expropriation fund in the account of the Bank of Albania, the sum of Lek 8,000 million is transferred to the budget as non-tax income.