Building of the Special Prosecution against Organized Crime and Corruption (SPAK)

Scandal on Personal Data, Seizure on Albanian Portal Database Removed

Special Prosecution against Organized Crime and Corruption (SPAK) has abrogated Thursday the seizure for computers, mobile phones and servers of, the media that released the database of Albanian citizens on the eve of April 25 general elections.

It was in fact the Special Prosecution that ordered the seizure weeks ago, but the European Court of Human Rights urged the justice institution to overturn the measure. Prior to the April 25 polls, released a personal database of over 900,000 citizens in Tirana, which later became known as the 'patronage scheme' and opened a debate mainly in politics.

On its part, the Special Court against Crime and Corruption states that “With reference to the provision of point 1, letter b), Article 46 of Law 98/2016 and, in the interest shown by the media, it is communicated in a concise manner that: by the Special Court of Appeal for Corruption and Organized Crime, on the appeal filed against the decision no. 131, dated 18.04.2021, of the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime is disposed of for: 'the abrogation of the decision no.131, dated 18.04.2021 of the Special Court of First Instance for Corruption and Organized Crime”.

On April 16, the leaders of, journalists Andi Bushati and Armand Shkullaku, who published the database with the personal data the voters of the capital, went to SPAK, where they gave statements in the capacity of knowledgeable persons.

SPAK was investigating the scandal of the leak of personal data of citizens, where in a database is recorded their name and surname, date of birth, place of residence, political affiliation and for each was appointed a person called the patronage.

Investigations were being conducted to reveal personal data, while Andi Bushati said that this issue should be investigated as an election crime. The analyst said the database was created by the Socialist Party. He added that he is not confident that SPAK will shed light on this issue.

However, Bushati and Shkullaku did not submit the database with the data to the Special Prosecution in order not to deconspire the source at that time.

But, the SPAK has ordered them not to destroy the network with citizens' data. Earlier, the prosecution requested AKEP to intervene to delete the personal data of citizens.