Socialists Refuses for the 3rd Time to Sent Xhacka's Mandate at C. Court

For the third time, the Albanian socialist Members of Parliament, refused to allow the Constitutional Court taking a decision over the mandate of their colleague, Olta Xhaçka.

At the end of the long parliamentary session on Thursday, in midnight, 65 of the socialists abstained, 9 voted against while only 25 from the opposition voted pro the fact of bringing to CC the mandate of Olta Xhaçka.

The history started on June 2022 when 14 MPs addressed parliament that the mandate of Xhacka must be removed after her husband Artan Gaçi benefited as a strategic investor to construct a hotel in Dhermi.

At that time, the socialists assessed that the criteria for sending the case to the Constitutional Court were not met.

Democrat did not give up and required by Parliament to sent the case to the Court. 

For more than 1 year, the case was delayed by the parliament, and only in April 2024, it passed again to the plenary session, where the 72 votes against the majority, again blocked the sending of the case to the Constitutional Court.