US to Recognize Elections in North Kosovo Despite Serbs' Boycott

The special envoy of the United States of America for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, has said that the USA will recognize the results of the elections in the four northern municipalities of Kosovo, as he called on the Serbs to return to the Kosovar institutions. 

In an interview given to the Serbian medium "Tanjug", where he was asked if the local elections in the north of Kosovo are legitimate in case the Serbs boycott them, Escobar said that the fact that some political parties decide to boycott the elections does not determine their results. 

"I called on the Serbs to participate in the elections. We understand many things they find problematic, but they must participate. If they did not participate, it does not mean that we do not support the elections. The Government of Kosovo has a constitutional obligation. There will be elections and we will recognize the results and we hope that the Serbs will return to the institutions", said Escobar. 

He added that the US is asking the Serbs to return to the Police, because there cannot be a community that does not have communal services and that does not have a police force. 

"We asked that the Serbs return to the institutions so that there is no reason for the ethnic Albanians to be present there. A compromise will be needed from both sides to find a solution", he said. 

Escobar further emphasized that the threats against the Serbian community in Kosovo, who want to integrate, must be stopped. 

"The burning of vehicles and real estate and threats against people who want to integrate do not come from ethnic Albanians, but from Serbs, so I think that threats against the Serbian community in Kosovo should be stopped from all sides", he said. 

Escobar further emphasized that the US expects Kosovo and Serbia to provide a time frame for the full implementation of the Ohrid Agreement and the initial proposals for the formation of the Commonwealth of Serbian-majority municipalities. 

"We expect initial proposals for the formation of the Association, but we also expect a deadline for the full implementation of the Ohrid Agreement. This means that all parties must come prepared", Escobar is reported to have said to "Tanjugun". 

"The representatives of the EU have made some proposals that are in accordance with the rules of the EU and the constitutionality of Kosovo, but both sides must decide what is best for them", concluded Escobar.