‘Saraje’ Building Becomes Property of Tirana Municipality

A few days after was engulfed by flames, the ‘Saraje’ building is expropriated. The cultural monument has become the property of the Municipality of Tirana.

According to the Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj and the Minister of Culture Elva Margariti, the centuries-old building is expected to become an ethnocultural tourist attraction for visitors.

The decision was also published in the Official Gazette, according to which, the preliminary value of the expropriation is ALL 505 843 802.6

“REQUEST No. 31/7, dated 19.8.2021 FOR PUBLIC EXPROPRIATION. The State Agency for Expropriation announces the request for expropriation, for public interest, of immovable properties, private property, affected by the project "Restoration and revitalization of 'Sarajete Libohovites', Tirana Ethnographic Museum".

The requesting subject of this project is the Municipality of Tirana. Through this publication we request to inform the persons affected by this expropriation, immovable property, private property, who will be compensated according to the preliminary assessment calculated, based on DCM no. 89, dated 3.2.2016, "On the approval of the land value map in the Republic of Albania", for assets of the type "land", and based on the DCM no. 138, dated 23.2.2000, "On the technical criteria for the evaluation and calculation of the amount of reward for private property assets that are expropriated, assets that are depreciated and the rights of third parties, in the public interest", for assets of the type "residential building”, confirmed the average price of sales by ASHK, Local Directorate, Tirana North, with letter no. 2482 / 5prot., Dated 17.8.2021.

The total preliminary value of the expropriation is ALL 505 843 802.6.

Chairwoman of the Special Expropriation Commission, Klodiana Guci,” it is written in the Official Gazzette.