25 Years Municipality of Prizren, Ilir Kulla Honoured with Certificate of Appreciation

Prizren commemorated the 25 anniversary of the establishment of the city's municipality.

During the ceremony, on behalf of the Mayor, the Chairperson of the Assembly, Antigona Bytyqi, said that they will not stop working towards the success of this Municipality. 

Present at the special organisation made on this day, was the first mayor of the municipality, Kadri Kryeziu, who mentioned some of the decisions he had made at that time.

A special gratitude was also shared for some personalities who contributed to the development of this Municipality.

Among them was Ilir Kulla from Albania, who was appreciated for the help shown during the war in the field of security.

Thanking the participants, Kulla underlined that every Albanian around the world is connected to the city of Prizren.