Deputy PM Belinda Balluku

Deputy PM Launches Energy Academy

The Deputy Prime Minister, at the same time Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku presented on Wednesdays the Energy Academy.

The focus of the newly launched academy is the development and formation of the next generation of professionals in the energy sector.

Balluku stated that it is intended that this Academy will prepare all the staff that will contribute to the energy sector, including the Power Distribution Operator OSHEE, the Transmission Operator OST, or also Power Corporation KESH as one of the most important components or the basic pillar of maintaining the energy system since it is the local producer that covers about 75% of the market demand.

"Albania is developing alternative sources in order not to be dependent on water flows, thus developing photovoltaic panels through photovoltaic auctions or even wind auctions,” said Balluku.

According to her, Albania has entered the path of innovation, and the use of hydrogen or other sustainable alternative sources such as liquefied gas, based on technologies that ensure the lowest possible emissions, will be a solution for local production, as Albania aims to 2030 to turn into a net exporting country. She recalled that last year a call was launched for 18-25-year-olds who could be technicians, electricians, or electrical engineers.

"Age was set as a criterion as it turned out that the average age of technical experts, electricians, and engineers was 50 years old, and a new generation needed to be trained," added the Deputy Prime Minister.

Given that vocational education has special attention from the government and for two years it has become the center of need for the market's need for professionals, Balluku stated that a series of investments are being made with new vocational schools, in laboratories or repair of the existing ones.

Balluku emphasized that cooperating with the Employment Offices is important, as the aim is to encourage young people to choose their profession at the age of 14 to have a profiled staff tomorrow. Shortly, hydro technicians are expected to be included in this Academy.

OSHEE's administrator, Enea Karakaçi, emphasized that this initiative came as the company has all the resources, and has the largest number of professionals in the field.

According to him, the Academy will give relevant certificates to the students who will participate.