Albania Celebrates "Liberation Day"

Albania celebrates this Wednesday the Day of Liberation from the Nazi-fascist invaders and November 29 is the official date for the commemoration of this day. 

Shkodra was the last city to be 'cleared', in order to fulfill the liberation mission.  

At the end of November 1944, after the Liberation of Tirana on November 17 and the main part of Northern Albania, the city of Shkodra and its district remained to be liberated. 

On the morning of November 29, Shkodra woke up liberated. About 44 partisans were martyred in this effort. 

November 29, 1944, found not only Shkodra, but officially, all of Albania freed from the Nazi fascist invaders.  

Therefore, Albania would be the only country in the Balkans, which would be freed by its own efforts.