1. Selling Authority: “Albpetrol” Sh.A, Patos, Str. Fier – Patos, km 7.

2. Auction date: 14.06.2024, 11:00 AM

3. Type of auction procedure: “Open procedure”.

4. Object for Sale: Sale of crude oil, quantity 159,551 ton

5. Removal Term:  12 months

6. Short description of object for sale: Sale of crude oil, quantity 159,551 ton.

7. Initial Value:

FOB terms:

Innitial price for unit is: 77.26 % Brent + K

At delivery point:

Minimum initial price for unit is: 77.26 % Brent – 4.04 USD/bbl + K

-     77.26 % - is the coefficient which represents the average characteristics of oil (specific weight, oil acidity, sulfur %).

-     Brent is the USD/bbl price of Platts Brent published in the Public Procurement Bulletin.

-     4.04 USD/bbl is the average total cost (transportation, storage, stocking, product analysis, insurance).

-     K - is the USD/bbl value offered by the bidder, above the minimum selling price calculated by the formula (K?0).

8.  Location of crude oil: Albpetrol Sh.A Patos: At delivery point: Usojë Station,  Visokë Station, Gorisht Station, Zharrëz Station, Kuçovë Station, Amonicë Station.

9. Auction to be held at: Ministry of Infrastructure & Energy (Ist floor, Meetings Hall), Str. Abdi Toptani No. 1, Tirana.

10. Deadline for submission of requests for participation: in the protocol office of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy, Ist floor, date 14.06.2024, 11:00 AM)

11.  Date of opening of offers/bids: date 14.06.2024, 11:00 AM, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (Ist Floor, Meeting Hall), "Abdi Toptani" Street, No. 1, Tirana.

12.  Information on auction documents:

The auction documents can be withdrawn from the selling authority by submitting a written request or on official website of “Albpetrol” Sh.A: or official website of Ministry of Infrastructure & Energy

Documents with payment:

Yes?    No           X

1.     The request for participation, the required documents and information are submitted by the buyer candidates in physical copies, by mail or by hand, before the date and time of the auction, at the place specified in the auction documents.