Northern town of Tamara

Strategic Investments, AIDA: 50% in Tourism

Projects related to tourism took 50% of the total according to the decisions approved by the Strategic Investments Committee.

The annual report of the Albanian Investment Development Agency shows that the rest was occupied by projects in agriculture. This panorama has changed somewhat about the projects approved in 2022, but the common one seems to remain the leadership from tourism.

"In 2022, projects in the tourism sector accounted for 65% of the total approved projects, while the agritourism sector accounted for 20% and 20% "other".

In 2023, projects in the tourism sector accounted for 50% of the total approved projects, while the agriculture sector accounted for 33% and 17% 'other'," the report states.

In total, the committee, during the year 2023, considered 16 total projects, approving 6 of them and rejecting the rest. The approval of the status for a strategic investment comes for businesses with a series of facilitating procedures for them where the state guarantees them less bureaucracy in securing documents and passing through institutional links.

Likewise, AIDA which functions as a one-stop shop is the agency that coordinates several important aspects that cut time.

In this respect, One Stop Shop: performs the necessary preparatory actions and services towards the potential strategic project and the potential strategic investor/investors (so two different statuses), especially those of land verification and the matching of the investment project with the national regulation plans of the territory (a process which includes several institutions simultaneously).

It also coordinates the evaluation process of a project by the Operational Group, quickly and efficiently (within a maximum period of 30 days) as well as prepares reports for the committee, in the role of the Technical Secretariat, and drafts a series of administrative acts after the decisions of the Committee.