Anti-Drug Operation in Spain, 11 Albanians Arrested

At least 11 Albanians have been arrested after an operation carried out by the Spanish police. 

Foreign media write that the authorities have dismantled the criminal organization, whose members were all originally from Albania. Those arrested were involved in drug trafficking, fraud with electricity connections, possession of weapons without permission, possession of explosives. 

It is noted that members of the criminal gang first rented luxury houses in sparsely populated areas, then used them to produce cannabis. Meanwhile, the other two members of the gang were responsible for maintaining control of the "cannabis farms". They supplied the necessary material for the plantations as well as the necessary food products so that they did not have to move to the luxury apartments. 

From this operation, 97 kg of marijuana, nearly 4,000 plants in the process of growth, 223,435 euros in cash and, among other things, a firearm and a machete were seized.