Berisha Reveals When He Will Retire from Politics

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, after losing the local elections, claims that he will not retire from politics regardless of the result, adding that he will withdraw the moment he loses in a race of free elections.

In a statement to the media, Berisha said that despite the attempt to annihilate the opposition, the latter remains stronger than ever, as he lost the elections entering the race without funding and without the party's logo. 

Among other things, he emphasized that about 15,000 Albanians proved that they love the strong opposition and that 

"These are the thesis of those who want to justify massive vote buying, I didn't want to go into all the aspects. The truth is an illegal attempt to annihilate the real opposition at all costs, this is factual, not my invention. Contrary to any kind of principle and law, DP entered the elections without a logo and the name of the chairman was rejected in the Stalinist way, without any kind of financing. The aim was to eliminate the opposition, 15 thousand Albanians voted for the latter. Those who wanted to eradicate it failed, it is up to the heroism of those who stood up in front of the black walls and said that we are here. With about 40% of the voters. The attempt was to annihilate it, but we proved the opposite and they took the historical shame. 

The opposition is on its feet and will remain stronger than ever. We have a party statute, the things are clear, we will implement it point by point. In 1991, I made an oath to myself, that the first free elections that I will lose, I will leave politics, I stand by my oath. In the first case which happened in 2013 I said goodbye. The elections were overturned but the vote was protected. I can retire only by the vote of the Democrats, no pressure, on the contrary, they add to my motive. The fight for the vote should be done more," Berisha said.