Berisha Slams KAS Member Over Rrogozhina Prison Votes

Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha has attacked his former colleague, Ilir Rusmaili, who is currently a member of the Complaints and Sanctions Commission (KAS) at the CEC (Central Election Commission). 

According to Berisha, Rusmaili is an electoral criminal, who makes decisions on the orders of Prime Minister Edi Rama.

"In the last two or three days, the KAS of the party has proven to be a blind institution, an institution that kicks electoral truths, an institution that is headed by a person dismissed for corruption, a former close associate of mine. 

And now he loses every kind of norm and principle and rushes against the winning candidates, to turn them into defeat, with his meanness, with his criminal attitude towards the law and the truth. 

This person, by order of Edi Rama, legitimized the polling station set up in the prison in Rrogozhina without any decision or bylaw of any institution for the establishment of a polling station. 

The establishment of a polling station in a certain place has conditions and acts on which it is based. The voting center in Rrogozhina prison was set up without any decision, without any act, without any procedure. It was set up in a prison that had only 2 people and was urgently filled by the electoral criminal Ulsi Manja to help the SP candidate with fraudulent votes. 

Edmond of the Directorate of Prisons was sent to Rrogozhina prison, he will be sent to SPAK (Special Prosecution against Corruption) as an electoral criminal, who threatened the prisoners that if you do not convince these people, by name, you will end up in the special regime prison. 

In this way, the prisoners, except the observer, were forced to sign the required votes. But I say again here, that the voting center was not set up on the basis of legal decisions, but was set up only by the director of the prison, a relative of this socialist candidate, with Ulsi Manja, who is also the electoral criminal at the head of Albanian justice. 

In this way, they received, as they have received dozens of other mandates, they continue to receive opposition mandates", said Berisha.