Cultural Sites in Lezha towards Destruction

Cultural Heritage sites in Lezha are heading towards destruction. But there is no reaction by the state regarding this situation. 

"There are 26 objects that have the status of a cultural monument, but only 4 of them are accessible, the rest have problems ", says Paulin Zefi, Former Head of Cultural Heritage at the Regional Directorate of Cultural Heritage Shkodra. 

A few years ago there was talk of the Zekajs' house. It continued to be standing, but obviously, the danger that accompanied it and which was later confirmed, its collapse. 

"That house was one of the most beautiful and had its last restoration in 1984 but was later left in oblivion," said Dede Margjoni, Cultural Heritage Specialist. 

Another characteristic dwelling that has lost its value for visitors and tourists is that of Mlikaj. Due to the ownership, lack and attention from the ministry, in recent years it does not have the splendor of the time when it was an ethnographic museum for Lezha. 

"It shows the reasons why this apartment was destroyed and what is happening with it, but says that there is a big problem and the fact that the Ministry must re-evaluate them", says Paulin Zefi. 

Other monuments also have problems, which need to be addressed.