Electoral College to Draw Lots for Request of 'Together We Win' Coalition

On the 21st, at the Electoral College, lots will be cast to determine the panel of judges for judging the claim of the "Together We Win" coalition regarding the removal of the logo of political parties or coalitions from the ballot paper.

According to this claim, the decision of the Appeals and Sanctions Commission to remove the logo of the coalition is requested to be overturned. MEDIA RELEASE: "On 21.04.2023 at 08:30, in the premises of the Administrative Court of Appeal, lots will be drawn to determine the panel of judges for the trial of claim No. 14 Reg.

Fundamental, claim Date 20.04.2023 Registration, with:


RESPONDENT: Central Election Commission - CEC. PURPOSE: Amending Decision no. 62, dated 19.04.2023, of the Appeals and Sanctions Commission (KAS) in the Central Election Commission, deciding: The change of decisions no. 360 and 363 of the Civil Code, dated 15.04.2023, changing the content of the ballot for the candidates for Mayor, Tirana Municipality, as well as for the other 60 municipalities in the country, deciding to remove the Party and/or Coalition Logos, from the content of the ballot for Mayor Candidates.