Hashish Plantation Found Near Border with Greece

A giant hashish plantation was discovered in Igoumenica, near the border with Albania. It is learned that it was immediately abandoned and the police is still searching for the perpetrators. The plantation was spread over an area of approximately five hectares, between the communities of Kerasochori and Palamba in the municipality of Filiaton. 

The ambush was set up by the police officers of the Narcotics Prosecutor's Office in Igoumenica in a mountainous and difficult border area of Thesprotia, for the capture of unknown persons who were cultivating a large plantation of cannabis seedlings, which turned out to be unsuccessful. 

The plantation was spread over an area between the communities of Kerasochori and Palamba of the municipality of Filati near the Greek-Albanian border and consisted of two levels. In one, unknown persons were growing 1,600 cannabis seedlings in pots ready for transplanting, and in the other, 285 seedlings were found that had been planted in the ground. The Narcotics Prosecutor's Office is conducting preliminary investigations to discover the identity of the persons involved in illegal cultivation.