KFOR Increases Presence in North Kosovo

The KFOR (Kosovo Force) mission led by NATO has increased its presence in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo, following tensions between Serb citizens there and the police. 

KFOR has called for "Belgrade and Pristina to engage in dialogue led by the EU to reduce tensions and as the only path to peace and normalization". 

"This morning, the KFOR mission led by NATO has increased its presence in the four municipalities of northern Kosovo, following recent developments in this area. 

The purpose of KFOR's presence is to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo, in accordance with its mandate from United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999. 

We call on all parties to refrain from actions that could inflame tensions or cause escalation. 

In accordance with its mandate, KFOR is ready to undertake all necessary actions to ensure a safe environment in a neutral and impartial manner. 

The KFOR Commander remains in close contact with the main interlocutors, including representatives of Security Institutions and Organizations in Kosovo, the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, as well as the EU-led Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) and other community representatives. 

KFOR asks Belgrade and Pristina to engage in the dialogue led by the EU to reduce tensions and as the only way to peace and normalization," it is said in the announcement.